One of my favourite business magazines is Fast Company. I was recently scrolling through some back issues when I came across a series of short articles on marketing and strategy called Fast Talk: Summer Amusements. Here is a quick summary of the article:
1) Create a memorable scene. Basically, people want to share their memories of a wonderful vacation by sharing photos with friends, which encourages new visitors. This is old school buzz marketing at its best.
2) Sell the Experience. The experience is everything, so the service must be courteous, clean and pleasant.
3) Never Coast. Always be improving the service, adding new features, creating a reason to come back.
4) Build a Distinctive Showcase. Create something that is different from you competition and build on it.
5) Swim Against the Sharks. Leverage your strengths as a small player vs your mega large competition. Faster, more initmate, high touch.
Although this article was written about the amusement park industry, it could apply to marketing just about any product or service. Now, I have some thinking to do.