Today's message is "just say yes". Yes to new marketing ideas, concepts and tools. Try something new in a small way, and see if it works.
I know that most business owners are so busy just running their businesses that they don't have the time to think about new things they should be doing. Or, they're so uncomfortable with new technology that they say "I can't".
Here's the rub. If you don't spend that time thinking about your business, how consumers expect to be marketing to and how they want to be communicated with, then you might end up like the buggy whip maker. Out of business.
Take the tourism industry. 83% of travel decisions are now researched online. But how many small and medium size tourism operators (attractions, accommodations, airlines, travel agents, online agents) still don't have email, let alone a website. And, those that do have email are struggling to respond to customer inquiries, with 39% responding in 3+ days, or not responding at all. Yet there are cost effective tools like auto-responders and content management websites that make all of this easy, even for a techno-peasant like me.
You don't have to change everything at once, but once you have the vision, work toward achieving it over time. If you say "I can't do that" then you might find yourself wondering where the business went to.
I've that discussions groups (forums) are great places to get and share ideas that you can use to make subtle changes to your business.
Posted by: Chris De La Rosa | July 25, 2005 at 02:01 PM
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Posted by: Best Apparel Software | August 11, 2011 at 02:39 AM