B2B (business to business) customers use internet and internet search differently than consumers do, according to a recent study posted on Marketing Sherpa. Here are the highlights:
- B2B customers predominantly use Google (almost 83%), while only 34% of US consumers and 62% of Canadian consumers use Google.
- B2B searchers are planning as much as 2 to 3 months ahead of the purchase decision.
- Paid ads aren't noticed as much as the natural (organic) search results.
- Result ranking counts, but so does your copy.
- Almost 19% will go directly to your site, before using a search engine. Then they will do a search. Marketing Sherpa's advice is to invest in a high quality site so customers don't head to the search engines.
Apparently B2B users also very quickly scan search results:
"Turns out that search users (especially Google users) have A.D.D. in a big way. Their eyes skitter quickly across the page. 27% quickly scan looking for words to jump out. If nothing does they leave or try another search immediately. An additional 57% scan quickly, and if they find nothing obvious to click on, then they actually settle down and carefully read titles and descriptions.
So, if your title, description, or URL has a word or words that are expertly crafted to catch that skittering eye and tell it "Here! This is the right place!" you can win the click up to 84% of the time."
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